Early morning headlights shine across cut fields that hold the promise of bag limits. The spread is set, the dog is amped and the camaraderie is unmatched. Sunlight streaks over the horizon, glinting off your gun sitting at the ready. Echoes of birds coming off the roost carry through the air. What could be better than the hopefulness that your well-laid plan will pay off? Only the ability to successfully execute when wings start cupping.
Whether you’ve been wanting to upgrade your shotgun setup for years or you’ve been choosing products for a destination hunt over the last few months, Nordic Components shotgun extension tubes are sure to have a home in your arsenal with their “install it and forget it” design, element withstanding anodized finish and ability to improve magazine capacity anywhere from 1 to 9 rounds.
Boasting a total magazine capacity of up to 9 shells, the Telescoping Extension Tube is perfectly capable of meeting the demands of any hunter looking to reload less. Currently designed to fit many 12-gauge Benelli, Beretta, Mossberg and Remington models, installation of the tube can be completed in mere minutes with few tools. While your shoulder may need to adjust to unloading a larger amount of shells, Nordic’s seamless integration allows your firearm to do what it does best without jamming or bogging down. And once the magazine extension is on, don’t worry about taking it off. Nordic’s telescoping design means that the tube doesn’t need to be removed for storage and transport; however, when put into action, it effortlessly extends and retracts from the main shaft as shells are loaded in or emptied out.

For those looking to gain rounds on their firearm using a fixed tube, check out Nordic’s fit guide that goes in-depth on recommended sizing of our MXT Magazine Extensions. The MXT tube comes in both 12- and 20-gauge options and can add 1 to 9 shells, depending on your shotgun model. Much like the telescoping magazine, the MXT lineup requires minimal tools and time before your shotgun is field-ready.
All completely American-made and designed with you, the hunter, in mind, Nordic’s extension tubes offer reliability and performance whether you’re jumping into a layout blind, bumping fists in an A-frame, or passing snacks in a pit.